Import History

Written by: Sheryll Chua

Understanding Import History

The Import History function provides a way to see a breakdown of contact lists that have previously been imported. The tool also shows whether or not previously imported contact lists were successful or erroneous. 

In Import History, you can toggle between Active History and Deleted Imports.

Active History is the default screen where you will see all imports made. On the top right corner of the screen, there's a Deleted Imports button that will take you to a screen showing all deleted imports. To go back to Active History screen, click the same button (which will then be labeled Active History).

Import History Columns


Rejected Imports

Imports can be rejected due to quality concerns. When an import is rejected, the following will occur:

The import for the list has scored in the bottom 2.5% of all lists and was rejected due to quality concerns. Please reach out to our compliance team or view this support article for more information.