Engaged / Not Engaged Lists

This implementation will let you create two types of engagement lists

Contacts that have engaged (performed any tracked activity) for the last X days/weeks/months:

Contacts that have NOT engaged (performed any tracked activity) for the last X days/weeks/months 

These lists will only start working from a contact's next engagement.

Start by creating an Active Lead Counter, and then come back to this page to finish the setup. You can create both lists below the same Active Lead Counter setup.

Engaged/Unengaged Leads Lists

The setup to create an engaged and an unengaged list share most components, so if you only want one of the lists, simply ignore the instructions that say to add a contact or remove a contact from that list.

Start by creating two Manual lists called "Engaged Leads in the last 3 Months" and "Not Engaged for 3 Months". You can change the names and the time period as you choose, but for this example we'll use 3 months.

Then create a text input type Custom Field called  "3 month engagement counter", or name it for your own time period. The field does not have to be available in the Contact Manager, emails or forms.

Next, you'll create two workflows:

Workflow 1: 

Trigger: Lead Has the field  

Field name: Active Lead Counter 

Field Value: 0 

Comparison: or more


Add to list: "Engaged Leads in the last 3 Months"

Remove from list: "Not Engaged for 3 Months"

Increment the counter field: "3 month engagement counter" by 1

Time Delay: 3 Months

Decrement the counter field: "3 month engagement counter" by 1

Workflow 2: 

Trigger: Lead Has the field  

Field name: 3 month engagement counter

Field Value: 0 

Comparison: exactly


Remove from list: "Engaged Leads in the last 3 Months"

Add to list: "Not Engaged for 3 Months"

How this works:

The 3 month engagement counter starts off blank. Every time the contact engages, the workflow adds 1 to the 3 month engagement counter and decreases it by 1 after 3 months. If the contact has engaged in the last 3 months, the counter will always be more than 0. When they have not engaged for a full 3 months, the counter will finally drop back to 0 and trigger the second workflow.