Native Forms and 3rd-party Forms
Create a Native or Third Party Form to Map to
Native forms are forms that are already on your website. This could be a form that has been coded from scratch by your development team or a WordPress form plugin that you've used to create forms on a WordPress website.
Important: Your form must include a First Name, Last Name, or Email Address field.
Once you have the form on your website, create a corresponding form in FunnelBud. Your website's form submissions can be mapped to standard or custom fields in your FunnelBud instance.
To create a corresponding native form in FunnelBud, do the following:
Click Forms in the left toolbar.
Click Create Form
Enter a name for the form.
Choose a Native, or Third-Party Form, using the radios button.
Determine how contacts who fill out the form should be assigned.
For Native or Third-Party Forms, optionally, click the Allow a lead or contact record to be created even if an email address is not submitted checkbox.
Note: You can choose to allow a lead or contact record to be created even if an email address is not submitted. Checking this option will allow duplicate records to be created since the email address is the unique identifier in FunnelBud.Click Continue.
Copy the generated Javascript code in the window that appears.
Important: Keep this browser tab open because you'll need to return to this page after you complete the steps below on your website.
Insert Form Code on your Website
To allow FunnelBud to read the data coming from your forms, you'll need to insert the code from your corresponding FunnelBud form into your website.
Place the code on your website before the closing </body> tag or after the closing </form> tag for the form you want to track.
Note: For websites built on CMS systems, like WordPress, you'll need to locate the file where your code needs to go. Search your CMS company's help center content, or template developer's help center content, to see where the closing </body> or </form> tags are located.
After you've added the code to your website, go to the page where your form is displayed and submit some data. Simply fill out the form.
Once the data has been submitted, you'll be able to map the fields in your FunnelBud instance to the fields in your native or third-party form.
Mapping Native and Third-Party Form Fields
After your code has been added, and some form data submitted, you'll need to map the fields on the native or third-party form to your custom fields. Return to your form in FunnelBud and complete the following tasks:
Click the Refresh this Page button.
Note: If you've navigated away from your FunnelBud form, don't worry. Simply return to the form from a new browser tab, choose your form from the list of forms and, if needed, refresh the page.
On the Field Mappings page, map the form submissions to your standard or custom FunnelBud fields, using the drop-down menus. If needed, create new custom fields by selecting New Field.
Note: Some fields, including GDPR and File Upload fields, are not mappable on Native and Third-Party Forms. Only the fields listed in the Mapping dropdown are available.
Click Save Mappings.
Mapping the fields tells FunnelBud which of the fields on your website form correspond to the fields in your FunnelBud form.
Important: Whenever you fill out the form for the first time, you are generating mapping data. As such, do not expect the lead to appear in the system until after the first entry. The second person to fill out the form will be imported as a lead.
If you ever change your native or third-party form, you will need to repeat this mapping process again.