User Roles FAQs

Q: Which user role should I give to users if they should only see their own opportunities but can see all leads?

A: This would be the salesperson's role. (see screenshot) .

  • Salespersons can view and edit all leads in the Contact Manager.

  • Salesperson can only view Opportunities assigned to them in the sales Pipeline.

  • Change user role on this link then save as shown in this screenshot.

Q: Which user role should I give to users if they should only see their own opportunities and their assigned leads?

A: This would be the Jr. Salesperson's role. (see screenshot) .

  • Jr. Salespersons can view and edit only leads that they are assigned.

  • Jr. Salespersons can only view Opportunities assigned to them in the sales Pipeline.

  • Change user role on this link then save as shown in this screenshot.