Adding a campaign to a page and track using UTM code
Steps to add a campaign to a page
Go to Campaigns, located on the left side toolbar, and select Campaigns.
Click Create Campaign.
On the General Information page, add the Title of your campaign in the text field.
Choose a Channel from the drop-down menu.
Add Tags to your campaign. You can create your own or use the existing ones.
Under tracking, click +Tracking Rule.
Add the Site you want to add the campaign to (remove the domain part from the site i.e, https://www.).
To add a UTM tracking code, use this format “utm_campaign=.......” (TIP: use the information on what the campaign is about to make it easier to remember)
Important to Note: Tracking rules can only have one UTM parameter per rule. Tracking rule will not function if more than one parameter is set to them.
Under Duration, set the Date Range (the start date and the end date of your campaign), or select Perpetual.
Under Attribution Weight, tick the weight of the campaign as compared to other campaigns; otherwise, leave it Neutral.
Under Social Tracking, untick the box if you dont want to track the social posts.
Click Save Changes.
Adding the UTM code to the site you want to track
Copy the UTM code you generated.
2. On the URL of the page you want to track, add /? Then paste the UTM code.
3. Copy the URL with the UTM code and use it to post to social pages or any other medium.
To test if the campaign is being tracked successfully
Visit the page with the campaign.
Then go to Funnelbud>Contacts.
Click the Contact who viewed the page.
Click Life of the Lead and all the activities of that lead will show.
Click Membership>Campaign.
If the tracking works, the Contact will be added to the campaign you are tracking.