Inbound Funnel

How to build an Inbound Funnel - step by step

Written by: Yusuf YoungEdited by: ...

What is an Inbound Funnel?

For training on this: See Funnel Building Training (SKU: 2206062050).

An Inbound Funnel is a targeted buying journey aimed at capturing leads in a specific buying situation, by offering them something of value on a landing page so that they opt in to receive it, and then following up with educational content until they are interested in talking to a sales person.

An inbound funnel consists of the following components

How to build an inbound funnel step by step

The best order to create your inbound funnel in is the following, in order to not need to skip back to previous components:

For FunnelBud Pro:

For Flex:

4. Create your form

5. Create a Campaign (automation) that will send the TY email and following nurturing emails

6. Create Landing Page and add the form, plus the Thank You Page (it is OK if you don't have the full content and design yet or if you just add Lorum Ipsum text - you can add or refine the content later

7. Add TY page to form submission actions

For Flow:

4. Create your form

5. Create Landing Page and add the form, plus the Thank You Page (it is OK if you don't have the full content and design yet or if you just add Lorum Ipsum text - you can add or refine the content later

6. Attach Thank you page to the form submissions

7. Create a Workflow that will send the nurturing email and setup full automation

Note: Turn off / Unplublish the workflows you create after testing successfully. This will prevent them from being accidentally triggered in future.

Now you have created all the assets, and you can edit and add the content.