Email SendEr Status

Written by: Sheryll Chua

There are four categories for email sender status with FunnelBud.  Each category is tied to email statistics. 

1. Healthy

Senders with the Healthy status are doing just fine with their sends.  Their email statistics do not exceed FunnelBud's thresholds. 

2. At Risk

The At Risk status is an indication that there is an issue with deliverability. Senders with this status should review their email statistics to understand those improvements that are needed to prevent further status degradation. All new action groups that are scheduled to lists are capped to 2,500 contacts. 

3. Unhealthy

With the Unhealthy status, senders are more likely to have to go through manual review. All new action groups that are scheduled to lists are capped to 1,000 contacts, and all action groups are checked when scheduled

4. Limited

The Limited status is the lowest and most restricted status available to senders using FunnelBud. With this status, all bulk jobs go to manual review. All new action groups that are scheduled to lists are capped at 50 contacts, and all action groups are checked when scheduled. Senders with this status must make quick and drastic improvements to their statistics and sending processes. Once senders with this status begin sending emails that lowers their email statistics below the acceptable thresholds, the limitation will be removed. That said, repeated limitation events can lead to termination. 

How to access email sender status

Email Sender Status Breakdown

Email Sender Status window displays the statistics for opens, hard bounces, spam complaints, and spam traps over a period of 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, or 90 days.

The status for email engagement and email opens is Opens. The statuses for spam are Spam Complaints and Spam Traps. The status for hard bounces is Hard Bounces. For all statuses, the parameters are as follows:

Acceptable Email Rates

In general, FunnelBud expects senders to have email statistics within acceptable thresholds, as defined by Internet service providers (ISPs). Spam complaint, bounce, and unsubscribe rates need to be within an acceptable range. Depending on the ISP, anything above the acceptable rate will have consequences.

Acceptable rates for sent emails are as follows: