"True" label in Bit or Boolean fields

This is often used for including a Custom GDPR field in your forms. Paste the code below at the bottom of your custom stylesheet, and customize the text in the Content attribute. You might also need to adjust the font size and color code to match your other field labels.

Note: This will affect ALL Bit or Boolean fields. Using a more specific selector (unique to each account) is necessary to restrict this customization to only one specific field, and is not covered by this article.

/* Makes the "True" label invisible */

li.boolean .checkbox-label, li.bit .checkbox-label {

font-size: 0;

color: transparent;


/* Add a custom text to the label and set the font size and color. You might need to adjust the font size and color code to match your other field labels */

li.boolean .checkbox-label:after, li.bit .checkbox-label:after {

content: "This text will replace the True label on your Bit or Boolean field";

font-size: 14px;

color: #000;
