
Importing of purchased emails is against FunnelBud’s usage policy:

FunnelBud is intended to be an Inbound marketing tool - not a tool to mass-import and email contacts, as that is both prohibited from a GDPR perspective, and against CAN-SPAM rules. As any respectable marketing system, FunnelBud prohibits importing and mass-emailing purchased lists or people who have not opted in to your marketing communication. The consequences of sending to purchased lists can include account suspension, as well as damage to your domain reputation, meaning that your emails are more likely to land in people's Spam folder. This reputation is linked to your email domain, and will follow you to any email provider you use.

Industry based purchased lists with valid opt-ins do exist, however those cannot be used for email marketing from FunnelBud. You can use those lists for cold calling instead, and those contacts MAY be added to FunnelBud after you confirm:

  • Their correct email address - ask them to give it to you, don't ask them to confirm it after reading it out.

  • That the user wishes to opt-in to your marketing emails

FunnelBud should be used as a marketing and sales tool rather than for transactional emails:

Transactional emails are defined as emails sent from an application or system to fulfill a customer promise, which cannot be opted out from. These emails are sent to existing customers and could include important system notifications, downtime alerts, changes to your terms of use and so on - anything that your existing customers are obligated to know. There are dedicated transactional email systems custom built for this purpose. While FunnelBud can be used for this purpose, it is not recommended, as users can unsubscribe from FunnelBud emails, and transactional email systems usually have other features, such as a “direct email connection” with your app, rather than creating and storing a contact record that emails are sent to.